7 Pencil Philosophy About Life

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Readers, have you ever heard the philosophy of pencil? Even small things like pencils remind us of our purpose and mission in this world. I believe that there is a reason we were created and born in this world.

There is a "purpose" in us that needs to be fulfilled and resolved. Whatever our profession, I am sure, the purpose and calling of our lives, will make our lives more meaningful. We can not lose the direction and purpose in our life. So, from the philosophy of pencil below, we can learn about 7 important things in life.

Pencil Philosophy About Life

To be able to use writing, it must go through the stages of sharpening

Its meaning:
To be someone great, you have to go through the stages of sharpening. Various difficulties, obstacles, challenges, and so forth. Sometimes the sharpening is 'sick'. But, that is precisely what will allow us to bring out the best. With that, we become better and better.

Pencils are tools, that can write different things. It all depends on the person

Its meaning:
Every person is given a life. It all depends on ourselves, and what we want to write in our lives. Everyone has a choice and the opportunity to do something. We will never be able to return to the past. We can only try to do our best.

Whatever the pencil is, someone is the one who determines whether the writing is good or not

Its meaning:
Whatever the beginning of our lives, we are the one who decides what will become with our efforts. Either be a beautiful future or just be ordinary. We really can't choose to be born into a rich family. We cannot choose later to be born smart or others. But that is not the case. The beauty of our lives is what we strive for.

Sometimes we can write all the letters correctly, but sometimes we also put them together incorrectly. Indeed we are not always right

Its meaning:
In living this life, we do try to do things right. But as humans, indeed we are far from perfect. We can try to do all our tasks or responsibilities to the best of our ability. But alas, we are only human, sometimes we make mistakes. We can not be separated from forgetfulness and various other things that are human.

There are times when the pencil will break, there are times when the pencil isn't pointy

Its meaning:
When confront all of the difficulties, there are times when we might be dropped. But to be able to be meaningful and work again, we must have the courage to rise again. If we don't rise again, maybe we can be left out or thrown away. This is the life we live. Broken and falling are part of it, everyone will most likely feel it.

It is not how good or expensive the pencil is, what important is the writing that is resulted

Its meaning:
Not how cool and luxurious a life we have. Someone will be missed because of his/her kindness and usefulness. All actions that we do, that is what generate a response from others.

Every pencil will run out later after use, it will not always be a whole pencil. He only left writings that could later be read

Its meaning:
Every human being will die. Only our actions can be remembered, whether it's good or bad. Whatever is in this world with us, all that is just a deposit. People will only remember us through all the actions we have done. We will return to the Creator at the end and take responsibility for all the writings of life that we have made.

What an amazing philosophy we can get from a pencil.